At this time, you’re really beginning to feel the crunch and workload of college apps and essays (almost another class) and class work. Fitzgerald said, “At three o’clock in the morning, it is always the long, dark night of the soul.” Be careful not to log too many of those days and nights!
Dare to dream, and dare to pursue those dreams! So what if you are pulling a few all-nighters, do the work now and excellence will follow. Those who win are those who are willing to do ALL it takes to succeed.
October 15th is the first Early Action deadline for some (MIT, UT Plan II Honors). Ivy League colleges really expect Early Decision applicant to have their applications finalized by this date too. This also means the CSS Profile application for financial aid too!
Bright Futures offers help for parents to complete financial aid forms.
ALL High School Students and Parents: Attend a local College Fair.