College and Career Guidance Since 1999

Seniors, let's do this!
Gain a strategic advantage in your college applications with an expert by your side.
The global pandemic has thrown off college planning for many students and families. We’ve heard from many who feel overwhelmed with so many changes. Now that senior year is starting, it’s time to focus attention and energy on college applications.
Thankfully, Bright Futures has expanded our team of consultants over the past year to better serve you by doing the heavy lifting.
If you are uncertain on how to navigate this upcoming application season and prepare your college-bound teenager for their next steps, contact us and let’s get started. Browse this season’s offers below to set your student up for success this summer and beyond.
Special For Seniors
Senior Rush Package
Seniors… let’s do this! Our high-demand Senior Rush Package is back and open for registration. New seniors will receive expedited guidance through the college application season. Our process always starts by evaluating your student’s strengths, needs and interests. Then we build a strategic plan around them and their goals. This package includes:
- Birkman Strengths, Needs, and Interests Assessment and a 90-minute session to review results and explore potential careers
- Customized College List that encompasses multiple factors including academic, cultural, and financial fit
- Campus Visit Resources and Advising so your student can make a thoughtful and informed decision
- One-on-One Essay Support at each stage of the writing process from brainstorming and draft creation to revision
- Application Strategy and Timeline to empower your student to successfully manage their goals and track their college application progress
- Project Management Up to 6 Colleges, including guidance on application requirements, college specific supplements, and interview support
Our consultants intentionally maintain a small caseload to give enough attention to each student. Therefore, there is a limited number of seats for this offer. Services for the Senior Rush package begin after August 1, but you can enroll today to secure your spot and enjoy a streamlined college application process with an expert by your side.
Is this package right for your senior?
First, consider what level of help your student could benefit from.
For Seniors Applying to College
The Senior Rush Package is for students who are looking for expert guidance and support after August 1 of senior year. Services in this package offer support for the more time-sensitive and cumbersome parts of the application process. Students will work with their Bright Futures Counselor to strategize their approach to all aspects of the application process for select schools, including career exploration, primary application components, and supplemental requirements.
With the help of their Bright Futures Counselor, they will follow through on their strategic plan during the first part of senior year and submit their completed applications in a timely manner.
Summer Application & Essay Workshops
Summer Essay Boot Camp
Avoid last-minute scrambling to piece together essays by getting them done ahead of time. Your student will come out of this expertly guided camp with a thoughtful and competitive admissions essay, ready to submit for fall deadlines.
What: 2 or 4-day workshops with 8 hours of Essay Consultation
Price: $740 per camp
Summer Application Workshop
Acceptance rates at many colleges are falling, making admission increasingly competitive. Your student’s application must shine! In this workshop, your student will receive step-by-step guidance on their applications from Bright Futures experts to learn how to capitalize on their strengths and stand out from the competition.
What: 7 Hours of Application Consultation
Price: $475 per camp
Join us this Summer!